NBT National 888.534.7752

Feb 6, 20201 min

Why now is the perfect time to travel by bus!

So is there really a savings to using a charter bus? Well that depends on various factors, however generally motor coach transportation is economical when compared to other forms of transportation.

Let us view a real example in the South Florida Market:

If your group of 50 passengers wants to go from Fort Lauderdale to Disney in Orlando (210 miles) during the month of May you can:

  1. Go by van...not a good way to go if you want to stay connected with your group...5 vans!

  2. Go by train...4 1/2 hours for a cost of approx $100 per person for the round trip on Amtrak. Total cost for the group: $5,000.00.

  3. Go by plane...1 hour short direct flight for a cost of approx $148 per person for the round trip on Delta. Total cost for group: $7,400.00

  4. Go by comfortable charter bus: 3 hours each way for about $35 per person. Total cost for group: $1,950.00

So, as you can see depending on your requirements and budget...you can save a lot of money by using a motor coach for your trip!

Speak to one of our customer care coordinators and let us help you plan your next long distance trip anywhere in the United States of America.

NBT National



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